Jun 07 2016 0 Oh Miss Berry! No matter what movie she’s in,she always looks tight and toned,especially her backside – a special mention to the movie Sword Fish where she looked flawless in her lingerie.She indeed has amazing skin and it’s not just because of good... Halle Berry’s DIY Celebrity Skincare Secret: admin Uncategorized
Jun 06 2016 0 Who,in the right mind,doesn’t think that Cindy Crawford looks absolutely stunning?Nobody!It’s a must for supermodels to take good care of their skin and take care of hers Cindy has. Her Secret? Earlier we touched on the major skin benefits of apple cider vinegar.Now,we’re... 2) Cindy Crawford’s DIY Celebrity Skincare Secret admin Skin Care
Jun 04 2016 0 Scarlett is definitely one Hollywood actress that’s really easy on the eyes.She always looks on point with or without makeup,which is not that common for actresses because we all know the power of make up,don’t we? Her Secret? Her skin,however,looks flawless and supple.... 1) Scarlett Johansson’s DIY Celebrity Skincare Secret: admin Skin Care
Jun 03 2016 0 Personalized appointments cards The three girl’s names all start with a C, it seemed appropriate to name the Spa the “Three C’s Day Spa” My sweet friend helped me greet all the little guests with their own monogrammed spa robe, slippers and a... A SPA-tacular Birthday Celebration – LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PARTY! admin Spa parties
Jun 03 2016 0 ... How Massaging These Six Powerful Spots on Your Feet Can Change Your Life admin Massage