Home Spa Me contributes 15% of its monthly profit to philanthropic activities. Currently it is supporting a non-governmental organisation in Africa called Smile of Africa http://jgmglobal.org/smile-of-africa/. Smile of Africa is an initiative aimed at improving the status of living of people in Africa by providing improved health facilities, food security,  child birth and growth, education and youth empowerment among other development programs.


Enhancing dignified lives in Africa
Smile of Africa is an initiative of John Goodnews born out of the need to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, mitigating the rate of illiteracy, mortality, and helping  orphaned children, widows and widowers in Africa. The organization seeks to see African people living excellent and prosperous lives.
Smile of Africa envisages a prosperous continent of Africa where all people live dignified lives.
  1. Youth empowerment – ( Youths On Purpose International –YOPI)
  2. To rehabilitate commercial sex workers and empower them socially and economically
  3. To provide holistic growth for orphans by building homes for them, educating them and finding them a place within society
  4. To offer scholarship facilities for bright but needy students at all levels of education
  5. To bring health and education services to the marginalized by building hospitals and schools
  6. To advocate equality and equity for all
  7. To build homes for the aged and provide their basic amenities
  8. Widow empowerment programs
  9. Rehabilitation services such as drug & alcohol addicts, etc
Core values
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
Smile of Africa will work in Western, Eastern and Southern Africa and will roll out in Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa initially and expand to more countries within five years. The organization will focus in the areas of Education, Child Welfare, Health Care, Rehabilitation, Social & Economic Empowerment, Leadership and Governance.
To enrich lives through provision of opportunities by creating an enabling environment where each individual can realize their full potential, to empower youth and raise powerful leaders, to eradicate poverty from the African Continent through the structured programs of entrepreneurship and innovation for the youth and all the cadres of people in Africa. SOA’s mission is also to ensure that aged people in the African Society are not neglected but are well taken care of by provision of adequate food, shelter, clothing, medication and love.


Enhancing dignified lives in Africa
Smile of Africa is currently involved in street and children homes feeding programs. Smile of Africa visits children’s homes and donates foodstuffs and other requirements to the children homes. We recently visited Shangilia Mtoto wa Africa in Kangemi area in the outskirts of Nairobi and spent a day with the children.13527791
Smile of Africa is implementing youth empowerment programs that are aimed at improving the lives of youth in Africa. Youth On Purpose International ( YOPI) is an organization formed by SOA to facilitate all the youths empowerment programs rolled out by SOA. YOPI organizes fun events, conferences, social events and other youth events to educate and uplift the lives of the youths in Africa.153152154
Smile of Africa has been helping orphans and now hopes to embark on a mission to build schools for orphans and orphanages for abandoned and abused children. Kenya alone is home to Averagely 2.3 million orphans annually, Nigeria has 8.6 million orphans and has 2.5 million. These are the countries where Smile of Africa wishes to have an impact in order to mitigate against eventualities such as these orphans becoming child soldiers or child laborers.With more continued support from stakeholders SOA envisions to take on and support orphans all through Africa.960n960
Smile of Africa aims at contributing to educating the African child by boosting the education infrastructure especially through building of schools for the poor and in areas where government resources are yet to reach. Smile of Africa will also continue offering education scholarship for poor students from West, East and Southern Africa.
Smile of Africa will use its expansive networks across Africa to build relationships with persons marginalized individually, communally or through structural or global systems by providing relational care and support with the aim that these relationships will validate the individuals who are marginalized and provide them a meaningful contact with the mainstream society.
Smile of Africa will be implementing rehabilitation programs for sex workers by identifying them, educating them, training them on STIs and HIV/AIDS prevention and training them as peer educators. They in turn will educate the other sex workers about the diseases, safer sex, use of condoms, preventive measures………….


partners facilitating the big dream

Individuals and organizations that are enthusiastic about carrying this dream with us and supporting the call are highly welcome onboard. SOA is so grateful to HomeSpa-Me who have been supporting us until this far we have reached. We have been able to achieve part of our dream through their monthly support.


Our programs will be designed in a way to mobilize resources in a well planned and sustainable way. Drawing from our mission and strategic plan we will derive resources by first and foremost working out what we want to do within a particular community and how much will be needed to do it. Smile of Africa will strive to limit it’s donor dependency so as not to undermine our ability to sustain focus and build expertise in a chosen program area. While foreign grant funding will remain a vital source of support for our initiatives, we will try to tap into what communities can sacrifice for their own prosperity. Local resources may be scarce, but we will seek to generate at least part of our annual budget through membership, appeals to individuals as well as holding innovative events and earning income in some way. We believe there is much under-exploited potential.


We will organise seminars and workshops events involving some level of fee. By offering training to other like minded organizations on a sustainable basis we hope to establish in the long run a market where organizations pay for these services at affordable rates. In doing so, we will also be working with locally based trainers and partners in the organization of events so to create opportunities for locals. Campaigning for tax incentives to encourage individual and corporate philanthropy is one of the areas they intend to prioritize. Resource Alliance has provided encouragement and advice to the group throughout the two-year process of forming the Association.


We intend to campaign for tax incentives in our areas of operation to encourage individual and corporate philanthropy as a means of tapping into resources such as Corporate Social Responsibility.


Smile of Africa will also be utilizing its capital and monetary assets to roll out the initiatives and begin work in the initial three location of Africa namely Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.


We intend to partner with the Governments in our host countries to exploit any and all opportunities where there may be available resources which may be used to impact on the lives of the needy. Government outreach agencies have proven worthy partner in especially the fight against illiteracy and poverty in Africa.


  • Name of Organization: Smile of Africa
  • Type of organization: NGO registered in Kenya
  • Founder/President: John Goodnews
  • Programs Director: Grace Nyambura
  • Programs Coordinator: Anna Nduto
  • Address of Organization: P.O. Box 21359, 00100, GPO, Nairobi
  • Country of Operation: Kenya
  • Cell phone: +254724703726
  • E–mail address: info@jgmglobal.org,
  • Website:    http://jgmglobal.org/smile-of-africa/